Quest 34: Clear Some Room

Clear Some Room
"We need to keep clearing or the forest will grow back completely!
Let's get clearing men!"

  • Clear 3 Wicked Trees
  • Clear 4 Rotten Stumps

Quest 33: Nature's Tower

Nature's Tower
"The forest used to be full of big Redwoods.
Maybe we can plant new ones to help Snow White somehow."

  • Place 3 Redwoods
  • Finish Growing 3 Redwoods
    • Need: 36 wood, 15 seeds (total)
    • Takes: 5 minutes each

Quest 32: De-Vine Intervention

De-Vine Intervention
"With the Garden Shears we have, getting rid of the vines on Snow White's Tower should be no problem."

  • Restore Snow White's Tower with Garden Shears
    • Need: 2 Garden Shears (from previous quest), 10 seeds
    • Takes: 2 Hours

Quest 31: Shear Crafting

Shear Crafting
LadyYueMoon: Sorry guys, somehow I failed to take screenshots for this quest.
I will post from memory.

  • Craft 2 Garden Shears
    • Need: 16 metal bits, 6 stone (total)
    • Takes: 1 minute each
NOTE: You may only need to craft 1 Garden Shears for this quest. However, in the next quest you will need to use 2 Garden Shears, you so might as well craft 2. If anyone know for sure how many you need to craft for this quest, please leave a comment and let me know :) thanks!

Quest 30: Mail Away

Mail Away
"The Mailbox is not where it should be.
Let's move it closer to the cottage!"

  • Move the Mailbox! Tap the Mailbox, Select Move, then Drag it to a new place.

Quest 29: Bunny Buddies

Bunny Buddies
LadyYueMoon: I don't have the screenshots for this quest, sorry guys!
Doing this from memory.

  • Place 2 Bunny Topiaries
  • Plant 2 Bunny Topiaires
    • Need: 6 seeds, 14 wood (total)

Quest 28: Impromptu Choppin

Impromptu Choppin'
"These Trees, Stumps, and Logs keep comin' back!
We keep clearing them away."

  • Clear 2 Evil Trees.
  • Clear 2 Stumps.
  • Clear 2 Logs.

Quest 27: Tower Bridge

Tower Bridge
"We can't get to Snow White's Tower to save her.
We need materials to build a bridge first!"
(Tower Bridge 1)

  • Have 2 Nails.
  • Have 4 Wooden Boards.

  • "Build the Foot Bridge to reach Snow White!"
    (Tower Bridge 2)
    • Craft the Foot Bridge
      • Need: 2 nails, 4 wooden boards
        • Raw materials: 6 metal ore, 12 wood
      • Takes 30 minutes to craft

    "Time to put the Foot Bridge in place and rescue Snow White!"
    (Tower Bridge 3)
    • Collect the completed Foot Bridge.
    • Restore the Foot Bridge to Snow White's Tower.
      • Need: Foot Bridge, Shoe x2
      • Takes: 1 hour

    Quest 26: Reach Snow White's Tower

    Reach Snow White's Tower
    "I think Snow White is close by.
    I could smell her perfume while I was stuck."

    • Explore to reach Snow White's Tower
      • Need: 1 Sun Lantern

    My Game: I Started All Over

    So I've been paying Seven Dwarfs Queen's Return for a while now, but when I got to the Search and Rescue quest, where I was supposed to "search the forest for critters", the area would take all of my moon lanterns and not open up the area! It was super frustrating because I have the worst luck with getting moon flowers to spawn (appear). So it takes me AGES to make moon lanterns.

    Anyway, after trying to explore the area twice, I decided maybe if I deleted the game and re-installed it I could get past that point. I knew there was a good chance I'd have to start over and I was fine with that. Turns out I DID have to start over, so I figured I'd document all the quests for others :) and so this site was born!

    One of the worst things about quests with these games is you'll have a ridiculous task for one quest, and then when you finish it and finish a sister quest, the next quest after the sister quest is one that resembles the really ridiculous one you just took ages to do... if you had done the sister quest FIRST, then the ridiculous quest, you would have killed two birds with one stone.

    I know that's probably really confusing but to those who've gone through it, you know exactly what I mean!

    Another reason I wanted to post these quests is because storage space is TERRIBLE. So here you are, your storage vault is getting full and you have to delete some items... so you decide to delete like 50 metal bits and then shortly after you get a quest that requires so many metal bits that you just shake your head and turn the game off for the rest of the day. I hate it when that happens, grrr.

    Also, I've only come across one decent website that has quest information. Unfortunately it can be confusing what items you need or whether you can craft the item BEFORE the quest and then just use it for the quest or if you have to craft the item as PART OF the quest. I've pre-crafted items many times thinking I could use them for upcoming quests only to find that the quest asks you to "CRAFT such and such". That's really annoying especially with items that take many resources to craft.

    Anyway, hopefully this website will make questing easier and smoother. Let me know in the comments what you like about the format I'm using and what you'd like to change. Have fun :D

    Quest 25: Goin' Loggin'

    Goin' Loggin'
    "Logs often hide the strangest things.
    Maybe if we clear them we can find a clue about our friends."

    • Find 2 Snow White Clues by Clearing Rotten Logs.
    (NOTE: You will find the two Shoes by clearing Rotten Logs. These 2 Shoes are needed for the quest to rescue Snow White.)

    Quest 24: Fresh Flowers

    Fresh Flowers
    "Some White Flowers would really make this a happier place."

    • Place 4 White Flowers from the Workshop.
    • Finish growing 4 White Flowers.
      • Need: 12 seeds (total)
      • Takes: 30 seconds each

    Quest 23: Open Communication

    Open Communication
    "We need to fix up the Mailbox so we can start receiving messages again."

    • Restore the Broken Mailbox
      • Need: 1 wooden board, 1 chisel, 1 post (crafted during last quest)
      • Takes 20 minutes

    Quest 22: Mail Craft

    Mail Craft
    "Can't fix the Mailbox with just these materials.
    We need to craft the right things."

    • Craft and Collect 1 Wooden Board from the Cottage.
      • Need: 3 wood
    • Craft and Collect 1 Post from the Cottage.
      • Need: 3 wood, 1 metal
    • Craft and Collect 1 Chisel from the Blacksmith.
      • Need: 5 metal bits

    Quest 21: A Helping Hand

    A Helping Hand
    "He sure sounds sad.
    Lets do something nice for him before we ask him to do something for us!"

    • Plant 2 Red Flower Beds to make the forest a friendlier place.
      • Need: 4 seeds (total)
      • Takes: 10 seconds (each)
    • Restore the Huntsman's Cottage.
      • Need: 1 Chisel, 2 Red Keys, 3 Posts
        • Total resources needed: 12 metal bits, 2 red gems, 9 wood
      • Takes: 10 minutes to restore the Huntsman's Cottage

    Character: The Hunstman

    The Huntsman

    The Huntsman is the fourth character that you're introduced to. However, he does not join your party. Instead, he offers you random quests to complete in exchange for tickets that you can spend at the Forest Faire.

    In order to get access to the Huntsman's quests you will need to restore his cottage. You do this in the quest A Helping Hand.

    The Huntsman's quests are perfect for when your vault is getting too full and you don't want to waste resources. Instead, you'll be able to check out the Huntsman's quests (he has 3 for you to choose from at any one time) and give him your resources in exchange for Faire tickets. These tickets can buy you resources and crafted items.

    To check out the Huntsman's quests, just click on the picture of his face in the bottom left-hand corner of your screen. But remember, these are timed quests. Finish them before the time runs out or you'll lose your chance at that particular quest and the ticket reward.

    Quest 20: Six or Half a Dozen?

    Six or Half a Dozen?
    "Let's get some! You never know what you might need."

    • Have 6 Wood from Wicked Trees, Stumps or Logs.
    • Have 6 Metal Bits from the Mine.

    Quest 19: New Life

    New Life
    "Now that we've cleared out some of the baddies, the forest looks bare!"

    • Place 5 Red Flowers
    • Place 4 Green Maple Trees
    • Finish Growing 4 Green Maple Trees
      • Need: 20 wood, 12 seeds (total)
      • Takes 1 minute each

    Quest 18: Up the Vault's Value

    Up the Vault's Value
    "Looks like the Vault's all fixed!
    We'll add a few friendly Trees and we'll be all done."

    • Place 2 Orange Aspens
    • Finish Growing 2 Orange Aspens
      • Need: 8 seeds, 16 wood (total)

    Quest 17: We Have a Scarecrow!

    We Have a Scarecrow!
    "Almost done, just have to put him together and finished."

    • Finish building the Scarecrow.
      • Takes 5 minutes

    Quest 16: Hay... A Scarecrow

    Hay... A Scarecrow
    "Makin' a Scarecrow is gonna call for some Hay.
    Good thing we know where to get it."

    • Have 1 Hay from the Barn when it's ready.
    • Craft 1 Wooden Post.
      • Need: 3 wood

    Quest 15: Scare Tactics

    Scare Tactics
    "Maybe if we build a Scarecrow we can keep the area safe?"

    • Place a Scarecrow from the Workshop.

    Quest 14: Vaulting Forward

    Vaulting Forward
    "The Vault ain't gonna fix itself. Let's get fixin'!"

    • Restore the Vault!
      • Need: 2 Stone Block, 1 Red Key
      • Takes 1 hour

    TIP: If you haven't already done so, you can spend the next hour (while the Vault is being fixed) gathering the materials needed to upgrade your Vault. Believe me, you'll thank me later.

    For the first Vault upgrade (which I highly recommend you do ASAP) you will need:
    • 1 Red Key (2 Metal Bits, 1 Red Gem)
    • 4 Metal Bits
    • 1 Red Gem

    Quest 13: Under Block and Key

    Under Block and Key
    "Time to craft! A couple of Stone Blocks and a Red Key are just what we need."

    • Have 2 Stone blocks.
      • Need: 6 stone (total)
    • Have a Red Key.
      • Need: 2 metal bits, 1 red gem

    Quest 12: Finding Storage

    Finding Storage
    "Happy can't keep carrying around everything we get.
    We need to find the Vault so we can store our stuff."

    • Explore to find the Vault using your Sun Lantern.

    Quest 11: Sunny This Position

    Sunny This Position
    "Finish up that Sun Lantern so we can get looking for the others."

    • Start Crafting 1 Sun Lantern in the Blacksmith so you can Explore.
      • Need: 1 Empty Lantern, 1 Sun Stone, 10 Sunlight
      • Takes 2 Hours to Craft

    TIP: You can spend these two hours gathering materials to restore and upgrade your Storage Vault, which you will find in the next quest. To restore it you will need:
    • 2 Stone Blocks (6 Stone)
    • 1 Red Key (2 Metal Bits, 1 Red Gem)
    • Takes 1 Hour to Fix the Vault
    For the first Vault upgrade (which I highly recommend you do ASAP) you will need:
    • 1 Red Key (2 Metal Bits, 1 Red Gem)
    • 4 Metal Bits
    • 1 Red Gem

    Quest 10: Meet Mr. Smith

    Meet Mr. Smith
    "The Blacksmith wil need fixin' if we're going to make more
    Sun Lanterns to find the others!"

    • Restore the Blacksmith.
      • Need: 5 metal bits, 2 wooden boards
      • Takes 30 seconds to restore the Blacksmith

    Quest 9: Forging Ahead

    Forging Ahead
    "We only have one Sun Lantern left. If we're going to find the others we need to
    forge our own Sun Lanterns at the Blacksmith!"

    • Explore the forest to find the Blacksmith.

    Quest 8: Touch of Sun

    Touch of Sun
    "Sunlight from Sun flowers? Who'da thunk it?
    Let's collect Sunlight for more Sun Lanterns."

    • Clear 5 Sunflowers
    • Collect 10 Sunlight from Sunflowers

    Quest 7: Clearing a Path

    Clearing a Path
    "The Forest is overrun with these accursed trees!
    There's no room for happy things to grow."

    • Clear 6 Wicked Trees

    Quest 6: Time to Rescue Sneezy

    Time to Rescue Sneezy
    "We need to make sure Sneezy gets a big smell of this Sneezing Powder."

    • Free Sneezy
      • Takes 30 seconds

    Quest 5: Rescue Sneezy

    Rescue Sneezy
    "I think I heard Sneezy sneeze. He can't be very far!"

    QUEST #1

    • Use your Sun Lantern to Explore the new Area!

    IMPORTANT: You should receive Sneezy's Hanky when you explore this spot. You cannot save Sneezy unless you have his Hanky.


    • Clear 4 Dandelions
    • Have 4 Pollen from clearing Dandelions.

    QUEST #3

    • Craft Sneezing Powder (You must be Level 3 to craft this)
      • Need: 4 Pollen, 1 Hay
      • Takes 30 seconds
    • Collect the Sneezing Powder

    Quest 4: Hay Fever

    Hay Fever
    "Getting some Hay from the Barn will help us find Sneezy, I'm sure of it!"

    • Have 1 Hay from the Barn

    Quest 3: ReGrowth

    "Let's replace some trees we lost!
    Golden Aspens will look so much better than those scary evil trees!"

    • Place 2 Golden Aspens
    • Finish Growing 2 Golden Aspens
      • Need: 4 seeds, 10 wood (total)

    Quest 2: Neat and Tidy

    Neat and Tidy
    "The forest isn't going to clean itself up. We need to help it along."

    • Clear 3 Wicked trees
    • Clear 3 Stumps

    Quest 1: Raising the Barn

    Raising the Barn
    "A new Barn will give us Hay that might give us an idea where Sneezy is."

    QUEST #1
    • Place 1 Barn.

    • Mine 2 Metal Bits
    • Craft 1 Wooden Board
      • Need: 3 wood
    • Collect 1 Wooden Board

    QUEST #3
    • Finish Building the Barn

    Character: Sneezy


    Sneezy is the third character to join your party and the first missing dwarf that requires you to actually complete a quest in order to save him.

    Quest: Raising the Barn
    Quest: Hay Fever
    Quest: Rescue Sneezy
    Quest: Time to Rescue Sneezy