My Game: I Started All Over

So I've been paying Seven Dwarfs Queen's Return for a while now, but when I got to the Search and Rescue quest, where I was supposed to "search the forest for critters", the area would take all of my moon lanterns and not open up the area! It was super frustrating because I have the worst luck with getting moon flowers to spawn (appear). So it takes me AGES to make moon lanterns.

Anyway, after trying to explore the area twice, I decided maybe if I deleted the game and re-installed it I could get past that point. I knew there was a good chance I'd have to start over and I was fine with that. Turns out I DID have to start over, so I figured I'd document all the quests for others :) and so this site was born!

One of the worst things about quests with these games is you'll have a ridiculous task for one quest, and then when you finish it and finish a sister quest, the next quest after the sister quest is one that resembles the really ridiculous one you just took ages to do... if you had done the sister quest FIRST, then the ridiculous quest, you would have killed two birds with one stone.

I know that's probably really confusing but to those who've gone through it, you know exactly what I mean!

Another reason I wanted to post these quests is because storage space is TERRIBLE. So here you are, your storage vault is getting full and you have to delete some items... so you decide to delete like 50 metal bits and then shortly after you get a quest that requires so many metal bits that you just shake your head and turn the game off for the rest of the day. I hate it when that happens, grrr.

Also, I've only come across one decent website that has quest information. Unfortunately it can be confusing what items you need or whether you can craft the item BEFORE the quest and then just use it for the quest or if you have to craft the item as PART OF the quest. I've pre-crafted items many times thinking I could use them for upcoming quests only to find that the quest asks you to "CRAFT such and such". That's really annoying especially with items that take many resources to craft.

Anyway, hopefully this website will make questing easier and smoother. Let me know in the comments what you like about the format I'm using and what you'd like to change. Have fun :D

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